Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Sacred Heart Hospital Pediatrics ER

        Well, I had to take a trip to Sacred Heart Hospital Pediatrics ER a hospital specifically for children. My son woke up early yesterday morning throwing up not feeling well. He was up and down all night throwing up he also was really hot to the touch. My son complained his tummy hurts and his head hurts he had a headache. We waited patiently in the waiting room of the ER for an hour after we checked in and were finally seen by the triage or ER Nurse. We still had to go back out in the waiting room to be called in the back to be placed in a patient's room in the ER department. 

        My son poor baby he was so dehydrated that they had to do IV they do the children IV differently. It's like a straw. My son needed to have fluids they gave him through his IV. The doctors and nurses were all very kind, gentle, caring and understanding. The doctors and nurses gave Childrens Mortin by mouth and steroid medicine through his IV. They also were monitoring his blood pressure, pulse and heart rate instead of a blood pressure cuff they had what looked like a band aid wrapped around his thumb. They had the respiratory specialist come in give him a breathing treatment basically inhaler.

        I was so worried and scared about my baby boy that he may have COVID 19 possibly. I have never been so scared. I can feel my anxiety rising I had to remain calm and be strong for my son. I wanted to cry as I watched my baby boy, my child, my son be in pain not his normal happy self he was so tried and sleepy. I am so thankful for the life coach Sacred Heart his job was to make sure my son understood what was going to happen what the doctors had ordered what the nurses' jobs was sop that he could start feeling better. 

        The Xray techs were even so understanding when they took the x-rays they needed of his tummy and chest. My son did everything the Xray techs asked him to do. This was whole new experience for both myself and my son. The life coach even came back in helped keep him distracted and talked my son through the process of the IV what they call a straw that's what they use for children because their veins are so small and little. I wanted to cry I just comforted my son and talked to him to keep thinking about other things. He was very calm and brave he cried once then he was fine. I never knew that they had such a thing called a life coach to help explain the process of different procedures to help with children understanding things that's going to happen or been done to them. 

        I believe all hospitals should have life coaches for children and other people or individuals that need them. Life coaches is great for hospitals to have for patients that need the help the patients through the different procedures and processes. This helps the patients to be calm and prepared to know what is going on what is going to be done to them and their body's. 

        I want to thank all the Doctors, Nurses, Xray Tech and the Life Coach that was all there at the hospital taking care of my son during his time at the hospital in the ER. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

         My family we just finally got a new puppy that we all love so much . He is a pitbull and he is just so sweet he loves to cuddle and and play. He was the runt of his litter the other puppys were chunky and chubby so cute. I am glad we picked our new addition to our family. My children are happy that they finally got a puppy a dog that can grow up with them be a family dog and guard dog for protecting the family and our home. We just have to pick out a name for him. I dont know what we want to name him. Every name we try to figure out a name there the name we either agree we don't like or it just dont fit our new fur baby.  I think we finally settled on the name of shadow. Picking a name for a new fur baby can be hard when you want to make sure you pick a name that fits your fur baby. I want to make sure we pick a name that fits our new fur baby not only how he looks, but his personality. I want to make sure we pick a name that is just right. He is defintely a snuggle bug and so sweet. 

        Pit Bulls get a bad rep or name of being mean and vicious when actually thats the furtherest from the truth. Matter of fact Pit Bulls are rated the most people friendly, children friendly, human social, they have been proven to pass higher scale on the temperament tests then any other breeds. The Pit bull will also do anything to please its master. The owner can most cetainly control a pit bulls' behavior by how you raise the pit bull. A pit pull is not the one thats resposnable the being a good pit bull owner is up to the owner. Its not just pit bulls that can be aggressive its how the owner raises the pit bull and treat the pit pull. Pit bulls are not as vicisous as people say they are and they are not as mean as people say they are.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Thinking Positive Is Powerful Thinking

     I am from from perfect I dont evern try to be perfect becuase I got tried and weary of trying to be so perfect a goal I will never meet. Instead I strive to be myself who God created me to be with all my imperfect flaws, unique, corky, silly, and werid self. I had to learn to imbrace myself and all my imperfect flaws and imperfections. I had to learn to love my self that means loving all of me my whole self including my imperfect mind, body, skin, spirit and soul. I am not perfect I am a working progress and God isnt done with me yet. He is still working on me all of me not just the parts I want to see or what others see the invisiable parts you and I cant see the parts that are deep inside me. I had to learn to rely on God and not myself. I had to humble myself and ask God to show me what he sees when he sees me or looks at me. When I asked God to show me what he see's when he looks at me my whole perspective my whole point of view changed about my self. I was no longer seeing or looking at what I saw or what other people said about me. I was seeing myself in a whole new light becuase God opened up my eyse to a whole new view.

        I still have to do constantly and daily think postitive about myself which changes my whole mindset about who I am. Thinking Positive is very Powerful Thinking God warns us in his word that whatever we thinkenth in our hearts so thats what we are. I have to kindly remind myself I am child of God and I was created in his image. Therefore I am not ugly and unloveable. I am loved by God because he is the one that made me, created me knitted me, formed me together in my mohters womb even before she knew or was aware I even existed in her belly. To my mother I was mistake she made when she was young lady still in high school. I know my mom loves me in her own unique way. To her I was mistake because she didnt want to have a baby while in school matter of fact she never wanted to have any babys, kids or children. God used my mother and father to produce me so he could create me in his image to be like him in my mothers womb. 

        I am still learning who I am in Jesus and my heavenly father God who loves me so much. My mindset has completely changed. I am learning how to control my emotions instead of letting my emotions control me or get the best of me. I am learning how to still speak my mind how I think and feel without gettig so upset, angry or frustated that other people are not understanding how or the way I feel or see things. I still have my weak moments where I get depressed becaue my life is not easy as I see other peoples life seams so easy. I see people and watch people they seam to have it all together but I had to learn what I dont see is the struggle of the road they had to walk and travel on. I had to learn I had to stop comparing my life, goals, success and struggles to everyone I see and thats around me.I dont know what they had to go through to get to where they are and they dont know what I had to go through to get to where I am. I have my good days and bad days. I have like I dont understand why God would would give me the gift of a slow learning disability that affects how I learn things. It makes it really hard to find a job, get a job and keep a job expecially one that I am capable of doing. I feel like no matter how hard I try I am just stuck I am not going anywhere. I dont have and cant gain or learn the skills that most people can at the pace or rate employers want me to. I learning to love myself and my slow learning disability and not to let my learning disabiliy define me and who I am. Its very hard to not let my slow learning disability define who I am because its a part of me and who I am. 

        Thinking positive and positive self talk is real and does really help. As you are reading my words about my life your probaly thinking yeah right. Positive thinking is not powerful thinking but you could not be more wrong because that is so far from the truth. Maybe your thinking that okay yeah this positive thingking is powerful it works but not for me. Well have your even tried it I mean really tried it and be conistent and start where you are build on it like stepping stones you are building a staircase. Imagine and vision that you are builidng a staircase to your goals, your dreams to the life you want for yourself and your family. Those steps that are built upon each other each one each step is built form and on the previous one. Progress not perfect takes time step by step small goals on top of small goals , small dreams on top of small dreams and the ulimate goal and dream is at the very top, We can not get their without hard work and beaing fruit without God. We have to have God in the center of it all with God we can achieve all things. Imagine with a mindset like God what we can achieve if we are constantly postitive thinking whcih is powerful and we renew our mindset with Gods word we align our thinking what we believe about God ourselves then we transform our minds, hearts, spirits, souls and our lives. Our mindset is the control center of our life it controls our thiniking how we believe, feel, relationships and experiance life.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Struggles of Having a Slow Learning Disability

        I am so tried of the stegmia of having a slow learning disabilitys and people always judging me. When people look at me they dont see the my disability I get dirty looks or looks on peoples faces says Yeah right I dont believe you. Disability does not have a certain look. You cant see my disability because its not a pyshcial disability. My disability affects how I learn things and I learn things at a slow pace then the average normal person. I was diagnosed as a young child with a learning disability. Matter of fact it was not my teacher or the school that noticed I had a learning disability. My mom is the one that caught and notied that I had a learning disability.  My mom had to fight with the school to have them hold me back in the first grade I still was not able to keep up with my classmates in a regular classroom. I was then tested over and over again with different tests. I was finally put in special education classes and I also had to take speach therapy. I had a speach problem. 

        The struggle for someone like me who has a disablitlity the struggle is even harder and ways more intense. Its easy for a normal average person to go to a job interview and land the job. I have been to job interviews and when I discussed with interviewer usually its a manager that I did have a learning disabiltiy they really dont understand what that means. I have been hired for jobs and fired from jobs because I wasnt able to learn how to do the job fast enough the manager didnt have time to train me properly. Its emabrassig and its humilating to lose your job because of a slow learning disability I was born with. I cant control how I learn things or how fast I learn things. I can learn new things it just takes me longer to learn them.

       My slow learning disability makes it hard for me to find a job I can do. I have tried to get a disability check or get my SSI disabiliy check back since I become an adult, I have been denied every time I applied for my disability check or SSI check. I cant get a disbility check or SSI check I can find and hold a study job that I cam capable of doing makes it hard to be able to stand on my own two feet and be able to support myself. I am so tried of people and my own family judges me acts like just because I have slow learning disability doesnt mean that I dont understand how to do things  for example saying things I cant manage money like my aunt telling my mom that dont put me down as one of her benefiicares on her life insurance money because of my learning disability I wont know how to handle her last dying affairs. My slow learning disability does not affect me knowing how to manage money and making sure I pay bills when they are due. My slow learning disability does not affect knowng how to take care of last and final affairs when it comes to someones death making sure the cost of having them buried or cremated is covered and paid. I am completely capable of doing all of those things and so much more.

        Please who ever reads this blog post next time you meet someone dont judge them before you get to know someone. Please dont judge your own family, coworkers, friends or friends before you really get to know them and their story and life struggles. 

Breastfeeding Support

        When I first become a mom in Novemember of 2009 I had these high espectations of being able to pump more than ounce of breast milk and I needed to have an electronic breast pump. I wish I knew what I know now that the mamas who were able to pump more than ounce or two from each breast combined were over producers. Thats not he average normal breast milk a nursing and pumping mama should be able to pump. I wish I would have known that I would have a hard time breast feeding my son when I had daughter my first born I would have contuined breast feeding her longer then what I did. When I had my son in 2015 I wanted to breast feed so badly but he would latch on correctly and I knew about nursing mamas who had the same problem and I asked the nurses over and over agian for the nurse lactation nurse to come in help me. 
        The lactation nurse was not very helpful at all I asked her about nipple tool for breast feeding mamas who are having a hard to getting their little babies to latch on correctly I told the nurse I cant get him to latch on correctly to help me get him to latch on right. The lactation nurse was rushing she was not helpful at all I had no support I felt so alone. I coulnt understand why I was having such a hard time getting my son to latch on when I had no pronblem getting my daughter to latch on when I had her in 2009. I know each baby was different I felt like a such a failure as a mom I knew that breast milk is best then formula I wanted to breastfeed but my son just wasnt having it. He just used me as a pacifier to go to sleep he wouldnt eat. He made my boonbs so sore at first once I got him to latch on correctly he just juse me as pacifier. He wasnt drinking enough milk. 
        I eventually just had to stop breastfeeding him altogether and just straight formula feed him because he wasnt getting enough of the fatty milk he needed. My body just wanst producing enough milk because the first few days was crucial that I needed him to latch on correclty to get my body to produce the milk it needed to be able to feed my baby boy my son. I felt like a bad mother to this day I wish I could have gotten him to latch on correctly. I had to learn that it was okay sometimes some babys dont latch on correctly.
        If your a breastfeeding mama or mama who wants to breastfeed look into community support groups for mamas who are breastfeeding. I wish I would have known more about the breastfeeding support groups so I could have had the support I wanted and needed when I was breastfeeding. Talk to your OBGYN talk to your doctor about your plans to breastfeed so that they can help give you all the support you need to breastfeed your baby. Talk to your doctor ask about breastfeeding support groups and any other breastfeeding support information they may have to give to you that your not awarte of. If you dont like your lactation nurse at the hosptial ask for another one if there is another you can help thats avaibale. 
        Also I wish I would have know that there was things I could have done to help my body to produce milk. Here is what I found you can make