Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My Dreams

     I want to finish getting my education and earn my Associates Degree in Business Management. I only have a year and a half left to of college. I have overcome so many obstacles while pursuing my Associates Degree in Business Managment! 
       I want to use my Associates Degree in Business Management by opening my own Staffing Company that targets helping people with criminal backgrounds  help them Find Jobs, Learn New Job Skills, Earn a High School Education or GED,Building Resumes, And Support! I also want to provide to the people who really need transport ion to and from the job sites!
          I want to use my Associates Degree In Business Management to start my own Non-Profit Organzition Helping the Homeless. I want to provide temporary homes for those who are in need of a safe and warm shelter. I will help those in need with basic needs such as food, clothing and hygiene products. I want to help those find jobs if necessary, provide transportion to and from work sites. I want to make a difference in this world I want to leave a legacy behind like no has ever seen before!
               I want to be able to have money saved for my children's future college education! I want to save money for my future retirement, and emergency funds! I want to buy and own my home!

Being A Parent In Today's Society

        I just want to say it's not easy being parent in today's society. All of us who are parents or acting as guardians, we all worry about our children! We worry about them no matter where they may be! I know personally that I worried about DDS getting involved in my life one of my any worst fears! Now that I been through a DSS Case and my mom currently has custody of my daughter who is now 5! 
         I truly understand how a little mistake that a parent makes can turn not only the parents world upside down but the child's as well! I can truly and honestly say I understand how easily a simple mistake a parent makes can cause DSS to come in the family's life! 
         I am working towards reuniting my daughter back into my home, where she belongs with me and her father. I am currently pregnant with my second child a little boy! I am so excited about having a son and how my daughter is going to react when her brother is born. I want my baby girl my pumpkin pie back home with me and be raised with her brother.
             I also worry about my children being molested. I worry about my children just up and disappearing out of thin air and never being found! There are so many parents who still have not found their beloved children! Those parents who have found their children alive are blessed! Those parents who found there children but were murdered or found dead are still blessed because they have closure. The parents whose children who are still missing or who has never been  found are in turmoil. They don't have any kind of closure. My heart goes out to you.
           As a individual I am a worry wart as a parent I am even more of a worry wart. When you are child is not in your custody and is in someone else's custody or care you worry even more! Because we as the parent are not in controls or in in the loop were out child or children are at at every waking moment or minute! If anything was to happen to our child or children while in somebody else's care that's a guilt we carry for the rest of our lives! 
            As parents we will never stop worry about our child or children. I know as a parent I will never stop worrying about my children! I worry about my children if they are going to be a child that will follow in my footsteps or will succeeded beyond my dreams! I want the best for my children just like any other parent wants the best for there children!
            As Parent I worry about my children growing up knowing I loved them enough to sacrifice the things I wanted for the things they wanted! I want my children to know I loved them enough to give up things just so they can and could have the best! I want my children to know just because I am their mom does not make me perfect! I am still human and I will make mistakes! What will make me a better person as individual and as a mom/parent is that I admit my mistakes to my children and apologize to them I still love them! As the parent the child will then learn from us how to recognize when they made a mistake and it's ok to admit the mistake to apologize for that mistake! 
           I have already admitted to my daughter that I have made a mistake and it will never happen again! For such a small and young child my daughter understands it takes time for things that she wants to take place! My daughter understands that concept better than adults do! Everything has its time and place. 
          There has been somedays all I wanted to do is cry all day! There have been days all I want to do is just yell
And scram in to the mountains! Every parent has there days and moments.
We as parents forget to take care of ourselves first. We as parents are always putting our children first and foremost! We forget we have needs to like we need to hair have some me time even if it's only for five minutes to relax and recollect our selves, thought and emotions! 
           If we can't take care of ourselves on a mental and spiritual level how can we take care of our children on any level. I had to learn this I can't keep putting myself in the back burner all the time as a parent. I have to make time for myself even if it's just for five to ten minutes for relaxing time in a hot bubble bath, reading, writing such as keeping a journal something to help the stress of the day, during the day or before the at begins! 

Monday, June 29, 2015

My Birthday! June 29, 2015

         Today is My Birthday no body not a single person thought about me today! No called to say happy birthday! No one I spoke to that called me never once said happy birthday! I know that I am older and I am not a child anymore so it's not like I get to get a birthday party with gifts, ice cream and cake! Celebrating my birthday with friends and family as a child and as adult is important just like any holiday that comes around! Or at least acknowledge that it's my birthday would be good enough for me! 
           I want to make sure as a parent as a mom that no matter how old my children get I will celebrate their birthday!
I want to make sure they know I never forget their birthday! Even if there is no party, cake and ice cream! Even if it just means in pick up the phone to say happy birthday baby! Or just simply going out for lunch or dinner with my children for their birthday!