Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Real Definition of being Homeless

I have went from having things and place called my own to bring homeless living in a shelter to a woman who survived being homeless to working my butt off to obtain my GED and attending college and still pushing forward! So when I hear people say I have been homeless only living with family or friends that's not homeless being homeless you have no where to go but a homeless shelter like I have then you can say you been homeless or sleeping in your car that's being  homeless! This is why I have a heart and compassion towards the homeless I been there in real homeless. Just something to think about before you pass judgement on another homeless person!


  1. Hi, I found your blog through Mom bloggers club. I can tell that you are a very strong woman by reading your post. Thank you for sharing this little piece of you with the rest of us.

  2. Hi, I found your blog through Mom bloggers club. I can tell that you are a very strong woman by reading your post. Thank you for sharing this little piece of you with the rest of us.

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