I went to go shopping yesterday with a friend that could help me carry things back to my place! I actually only intended to just buy things I needed for the baby like diapers and wipes. Well I went to good will first and I actually found some good deals on things I needed so did my friend! I found s diaper keeper for a $1 that I can out all my sons diapers in instead of leaving them in the packs and on the closet shelf! I also found some baby blankets I am going to use as changing pads or changing blankets all of them were a $1 a piece. I bought a bath towel for my son $1. I found a pizzia cutter along with other cooking utensils that I needed for a $1 or $2. I also found a nice coffee maker for $3! I found a cutting board for $1 or $2! I spent $30 dollars on things I needed at good will otherwise I would have spent more at other stores then what I did at good will! I also found diapers Huggies at Dollar General for $8.50 for a pack of 44! I bought three packs of them! I also bought the Dollar General Brand wipes for $4.50 I bought two packs they are reseable 216 count of wipes! I can't help myself when I find s great deal on the things I need I have to get them when I see the deal or I will later regret that I didn't! My friend she found her self a bacon and hamburger cooker. She also found herself a crock pot for $3 she bought things she needed as well!
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Struggles With My Faith!
Is there mama out there that struggles with her faith and walking in her faith? Is there a mama that has struggled with her faith and her walk in her faith?
Well I know I have struggled with my walk in my faith! I still struggle sometimes with my walk in my faith! This old world does not make it any easier! I
Try my best and do my best to keep my promise to God that I made if he blessed me with a child I would raise my child in him to know him! I would give my child's life over to him to guide my child in his ways! Apparently God must have thought I was keeping my promise for him to bless me with another Child! Now I have one wonderful little girl and boy!
Here are some little sayings I hope will help others in there walk In Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior our God!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
A Little Princess Childhood Memories
Does anyone remember watching the movie called A Little Princess? I use to watch it growing up it was one of my favorite movies and always will be! I am watching the movie tonight!
All little girls of all ages,races and backgrounds should always feel and believe that they are princess! No little girl
No not one should feel left out and feel like they are not princesses! All woman are princesses! All woman and little girls are princesses because we are children of God so that makes us royalty! So therefore we are princesses! All little boys and men are princes because they are Gods children so therefore they are royalty!
I Feel Exhausted!
I feel exhausted from today's work as a full time mommy that's right I said it! Being a full time mommy is work and it's hard work that us mommys don't get paid for doing. We don't get paychecks for working full time at home with our children! We do how ever get rewarded with loving affections and I love you's from our children when our children get old enough to talk! When our children are not talking yet we get to see all our children's cute smiles,laughs and grins! Mommys who stay at home get to see and hear all of our children's firsts in life!
I got to see my daughter take her very first steps! My daughters first words were mama! I got to hear my sons first laughs and his first sounds he is only almost 2 months old and is already trying to start baby talk!
Saturday, October 17, 2015
I feel like a cow being milked
I feel like I am a cow that's being milked. I am constantly breastfeeding my son. I breastfeeding him just about every hour or hour and half. He is constantly hungry so I am constantly breastfeeding him non stop! Now don't get me wrong I love my son very much. I love and enjoy breastfeeding! I love knowing I am giving my son the best my breast milk. I just get tried of feeling like I am constantly being sucked on knowing that my son sometimes is really not eating and using me as a pacifier. This is part of breastfeeding this is my journey of being a breastfeeding mom is there any breastfeeding moms out that feel the same way sometimes!
Friday, October 16, 2015
My Breastfeeding Journey
I have been breastfeeding my son since the day he was born! If I knew what I know now about breastfeeding I would have continued breastfeeding my daughter when I started breastfeeding her. My son is now 5 weeks old and still going strong things have gotten better with breastfeeding!
We had A rough start I experienced a lot of struggles during this journey of breastfeeding with my son that I didn't experience with my daughter. For example incorrect latching my son was incorrectly latching and I didn't know it and my nipples were so burised and sore. I daughter I know now latched on correctly and she was getting enough breastmilk which I was paranoid about what I have learned with my son I should have known with my daughter but no one told me. Plus it didn't help we I had no one in my Conner to support me in my breastfeeding journey with my daughter.
This is why I decided to create Katherine's Breastfeeding Support Page on FB. Because all woman & mothers who are thinking about breastfeeding and who are breastfeeding need to have support! I created a place on FB for that support,encouraent,inspiration and sharing of breastfeeding stories life experiences! It is so important that woman have support From other woman and breastfeeding mothers! This is a place they can come to to form relationships with other woman and breastfeeding mothers!

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