We had A rough start I experienced a lot of struggles during this journey of breastfeeding with my son that I didn't experience with my daughter. For example incorrect latching my son was incorrectly latching and I didn't know it and my nipples were so burised and sore. I daughter I know now latched on correctly and she was getting enough breastmilk which I was paranoid about what I have learned with my son I should have known with my daughter but no one told me. Plus it didn't help we I had no one in my Conner to support me in my breastfeeding journey with my daughter.
This is why I decided to create Katherine's Breastfeeding Support Page on FB. Because all woman & mothers who are thinking about breastfeeding and who are breastfeeding need to have support! I created a place on FB for that support,encouraent,inspiration and sharing of breastfeeding stories life experiences! It is so important that woman have support From other woman and breastfeeding mothers! This is a place they can come to to form relationships with other woman and breastfeeding mothers!

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