Monday, June 21, 2021

Being Stay at home mom Is lonely and Boring sometimes

     Being a stay at home mom is rewarding and it is fun at times, rough at times, and to be honest can be boring and lonely at times. Being a stay at home mom gets lonely at times because your with your kids 24 hours a day and 7 days week all day long without any  adult conversations. You dont get to have some adult real conversations during the day except when your out and about in the grocery store, taking kids ot the doctors appoinment, ER vist or some errand you have to run get little adult conversation in during your vists. I miss out on those meaningful adult conversations with my friends I use to have since I have moved to another state so have all my adult friends that are also moms.  We all live in completely different states. This why I love being active on social media platforms so I can have some meangful conversations with my friends and all the new friends I have made. The Internet and social media has made it easy for me to stay connected to my old dearest friends and I am able to make new friends and connections along the way through the years.I am blessed to have my friends that are geuniely caring and loving and so supportive no matter what I want to do in life. I can just have some general conversations with them just being able to talk to them about anything I may be going through that day or week just to talk and just check in with each other. I have found my passion for writing again. Slowly and surely I am getting back some of protery writing back I use to write potery. I would just write potery that came to me and I would just write it down. I have not writen potery in a long time. I really didnt think years ago my potery was really any good so I guess I kinda quit writing through the years. Life happens I really did not feel like I had much time for it anymore. I was always busy doing something bewteen working and school then I had my kids. 

    Somewhere in I lost myself quit writing now here I am starting to write on my blog more be consistent with my writing. I am not really worried about if any one reads it just a way for me to kinda keep a Journal about my life as a mom. Blogging helps me releieve stress free, worry free, its a way I can express myself write about my tough days just write about whaterver comes to my mind care free. I can write about my life and the life I want. Blogging is a way I can write I dont have to care about what anybody thinks or believes about me. I can express my self freeely. What a great feeling it is to just write about anything and everything so freely without having to worry about other people juding me.can be totally my self without the fear of judgement form any one. Our society and our world is so correpted with so many judgemental people instead of caring geunine loving people who actually care they are far in between they are the rare dimonds. Friendships should never be taken granted cherish your fiends and family your close with because you never know when you will take your last breathe and you never know when your cherish loved ones will take their last breathe,

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