I just learned a few things in an article I came accross on facebook so of course I pulled up the artcle . The artcle talks about 14 foods that we often store incorrectly. so as I was reading the article I learned a food things aobut how to prperly store foods I never even knew that I was doing all wrong. For example my grandmother always use to put her bread in the fridge. I have aunt who keeps her bread sometimes in the fridge. I know I for one sometimes will put my bread in the fridge. Did you know hat if you put your bread in the fridge it actually does not last that long because at lower temperatures, water evaporates seignificantly faster and so the bread will become stale very quickly. You can however put the bread in the freezer and it will stay fresh fr 4-6 months. I do remember when I was growing up my mom, my sisters and I would go to the bread store pick up several loafs of bread we would freeze it in our deep freezer. This of course saved us some time and money on bread. For one we would go to the bread store and the bread is cheepaer at the bread store then at the grocery store. Secondly we would buy serveral loafs at a time we would freeze them so we would have the bread when we needed it. Instead of having to run to the grocery store to buy bread this saved us time, money we would have spent on gas and of course saved on the cost of the bread itself. Another great tip and advice in the artcle I read is that bread is best kept n a frimly closed bread box with a little bit of salt that will protect the bread from mold. The bag the bread comes in it defintey will stay soft but the downside is the bread will mold in a few days because the bread cant breathe and fungi really love the high humidity. No wonder why bread molds so quickly no wonder why my grandnother had a bread box to put her bread in so it would be safe from mold, the bread would be soft and last alot longer then leaving it in the bag it came in or puting it in the fridge.
Chocoalate is best stored in cold, dark places not in your fridge, Honey can almost be stored forever if stored poperly. You should store it poperly and best also in cold dark places never in the fridge.Onions and galic I always kept in the fridge but the properly to store your onions and garlic is to store them in cold, dark places. For example in a box in the cupboard. Onions you can tie them to one another and hang them up and keep them hanging.
Things that can be kept on a kitchen shelf or on the table according to this article are oranges and other cirtrus fruits they wont go bad any time soon. Avacadosis if they are ripe you can store them in the fridge save them from going bad. If your avacados are not yet ripe you shouldnt put them or keep them in the fridge because it slows down the riping process.Cucumbers certianly can be stored in the fridge but only for a few days. To keep veggies fresh for as long as possiable you should keep them outside of the fridge.Eggplant should be kept at room temperature for best storage and away from direct sunlight. Tomatoes is best to store this babys in room temperature as well.
According to the article the things best stored in the fridge are the following:eggs and dont remove teggs fromt the container they come in and most certianly dont put them in the door of rhe fridge. What wait then why do fridges come with those places in the door to store eggs in? Flour should be stored in a closed jar so bugs and mold cant ruin the flour. Also keep your flour in a closed jar and place in your fridge or in a cuboard. Nuts should also be stored in the fridge for best freshness and long lasting. Use alumium foil not plastic wrap/
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