Saturday, June 26, 2021

Taking A Risk

     I am so proud of myself because I totally just took a whole new risk by signing up with a Bundle of courses to take along with a personal trainer course. The course I am currently taking and working on is Virtualy Coaching course. I have already completed the first chapter and passed the quiz with a 80%. I have to have a 70% or better to pass each quiz diuring the course. I am working on getting through the second chapter reading the material and taking notes, Taking notes using microsoft word as I am reading my digital textbook. I can work at my own pace getting through all my courses. I am also gonna be taking up Fitness Group Instructor so I can teach all kinds of Fitness classes including dance fitness, stretching classes teach people how to stretch before and afrter a workout properly. I can even teach yoga and pilates. I am also gonna be taking Zumba course so I can teach Zumba Fitness Classes. This will give me a verity of classes I can teach that I will be ceritifed to teach, I will also be more valueable to my clients and at the gym of my choosing that I choose to work at. I have already applied to some gyms as a customer service representaitve. Just so I can get my foot in the door working at the gym while I am working through my self paced courses. I also have included in my bundle of courses that I have a lifetime free contiuned education courses so I keep all my ceritifiecations up to date. I  can contiune my education further my education without hacing to go to college. I feel so much happier and free I can take as long as I need to study and get through all my course material without any deadlines to meet or due dates I most certainly can extend my time I need to contiune to work though any of my courses If I need to. I am so exicted to be going through all these changes and creating a new path in life. I am just taking all this in and actually enjoying it. I am so glad I taking this amazing New Life Journey. I am so glad I have made this change I feel so relieved and stress free. I feel like a heavy burden has lifted off my shoulders. I am finally really can be happy not only for myself but for my kids. I work on course in my free time aorund my kids schdule and familys schedule. I dont have to give up spoending time with them just to attend school. I am so glad I made this huge change in my life now fo glad I finally decided to go for what I really wanted to do that I hace a passion for. I am so glad I am not gonna let what people might think about me or my decision to stop me from really doing what I really wanted to do for so long.

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