Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Beginning of My Personal Trainer Journey

             I am so happy I have decided that college isnt for me anymore I was not determined, motivated and I just didnt have the passion to attended college anymore. I guess I just thought or had in my mind that I was suppose to go to college in order to get my degree in order to have a better job and career. I guess in my mind I thought in order to finally have peoples respect in my family I had to get my degree from attending collge and be somebody. I have realized that not eveyone is cut out for college not everyone has to go to college in order to be successful. I dont havce go to college and finish to obtain my degree in order to be somebody and be successful. I had buried my passion for fitness dancing, yoga, Pilates and my passion to help others who struggle just like me that I had lost myself. I had to find myself again  I am so glad I found myself again and my true passion. 

        I am now taking online courses for Virtual Coching, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Zumba Instructor and CPR Training all through NASM and AFAA  and includes recerfifcations for life.Since after I finsih each course at my own pace I can complete all my course work at my own pace without any specific due dates for each assignemnt or quiz. I also can take my Ceritifcation test or exam online with a propertor watching me to ensure my final cerification exsm is legit and I am not cheating. I am really excited because I have the passion for helping people I want to help people like me who struggle with their weight and eating habits. I want to help the single parents and stay at home parents to get helahty and stay healthy in the process lose some weight in their comfront zone, at home in a gym or outside at a park through virtual training sessions. I want to help people and their whole familys get haelthy, fit and stay healthy and fit including learning how to make or create meals together or just for parents to help them create healthier meals the whole family loves. I can share my own life experiances recipes that I have tried that works for my whole family. I just want to help people genuniely to love healthier happier lives includning their famly. 

        I just had to remember I can be myself and I had to find myself slowly over time agian. I know who I am now. I had to learn how to love myself agian and embrace myself and including my body. I can still love my body nobody my size all while trying to improve myself . I can still love myself and my body all while I am trying to do all the right things to lose weight, get fit, and healthy to better myself so I can be the best version of me for my family. I want to help other parents and familys do the same.

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