Thursday, July 16, 2015

I Cant Sleep!

      I am listening to music and Warching MTV Videos! Hopefully maybe by Listening to some music I can relax and fall back to sleep! I know my little baby boy whose still in my oven is listening to the music to. I would not be surprised if he starts moving. I guess I just have a lot on my mind and axious about having another baby and wanting my baby girl to be back home with me. I also wanting to to start back to college and finish getting all the credits I need to graduate with my associates degree in the business field! This is the cause or the reason why I can't sleep. I just have so much to do in order to pursue my dreams and accomplish my goals! I have set goals for myself to achieve and it's just taking me longer than I planned to accomplish them. I have all these things on my mind I believe that's the cause of why I can't sleep! 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My Brown Mackie College-Greenville Experiance

      I am truly grateful that I attended Brown Mackie College-Geenville! I had to drop out of school however due to life situations and I planned on returning back to Brown Mackie College-Greenville! I had a great Experiance with learning what I did at their school! I had great instructor who really cared about their students and all the stuff members were very respectful and professional I would recommend Brown Mackie College-Greenville to any new high school graduate to attend and any working adult whose wanting to continue their education! Just Remeber and keep in mind you still have assignments that will be due on a certain due date! 
       If you do run into issues or problems that have come up please make sure you communicate with your instructors they will help you or make expeditions and arrangements so you can get any class work done and turned in even though it's late! The instructors may or may not count points off your grade for the assignment being turned in late drowning on your instructor and your situation! Pleas keep in mind to also communicate with the general academic advisor Ryan he is really awesome and truly awesome and understanding! All the instructors and stuff were truly helpfully, campasinate  and understanding each students needs and situations! Communication is the key to any students success so please make sure you make it a priority to communicate with all your instructors and staff members involved in your educational needs!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Education Goals

         I have been checking out some online schools and classes. I glad I did I really think it would be best for me that I continue my education though online classes. I have been doing my research and I found a local school that I can do a mixture of class like for all my math classes I can do one night a week at the campus and all my other classes be online! I will have the whole week to get any assignments I need to do some and turned in on time. This way I can still continue my education while I am taking care of my new baby that's on the way and still be able to spend quality time with my daughter and new baby boy!
           I just so excited about getting started with continuing my education. I done my research with different schools. I already have chosen a school that will be best for me! I love the fact of being able to continue my education and still be a mom!

Saturday, July 4, 2015


        I wanted to know if there is anybody who has advice about breastfeeding! This  is my second pregnancy and I plan to breastfed. When I breastfed u daughter up to until she was three to four months old due to the fact I got scared because she started getting a tooth in. I want to breast fed my son longer even when he starts cutting teeth. How can I get over the fear of breastfeeding while he is teething.
         Would it be ok if I breastfed in public with or without a cover up or blanket? Should I bring the bobby pillow with me for breastfeeding in public? What is the best breast pump for pumping breast milk? What are the best bottles to use for breastfed babies? When should I introduce the bottle? When should I start pumping milk? I didn't have much success with pumping milk with my first child my daughter I kept having problems of having let down before I could des or pump! I also kept having problems with the manual Breast pump the hospital gave me with the bottles unscrewing from the pump!

Pleas any helper advice I will gladly accept and appreciate!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Beautiful Cool Summer Day!

             I love summer days like today When it's warm but have the summer cool breeze! Today I got out and done some things I needed to do since it was pretty cool today! I am pregnant and I can't stand to be out in the heat! Today was nice and cool not to hot or cold! I really enjoyed being outside today. 
            I love being outside and being active during the summer months. This is the time of the year when I normally would go swimming at a lake,and go camping! I love to go fishing I wish I could go fishing and eat the fish we catch. Unfortunately if I went fishing I can not eat the fish we caught due to the fact it's not safe to eat during my pregnancy! 
            It just would be nice to just to go and enjoy the time with family and friends fishing together. I can't wait till I can take my daughter and son fishing together. I can't wait till the day I can take both my daughter and son camping together. I want to share some of the experience I use have when I was growing up with my children. Camping,fishing and boating together as a family I want my children to have wonderfully childhood memories and trandtions that they can pass down to their children in the future.
             I want my children to have those wonderful bonding memories they ca share with their children in the future. I want to do as many things with them as much as possible before they get older and don't want to do those family bonding times. Before I know it the years of my children being young will be long gone and I be left with nothing but the memories when they were growing up.
             I want to make good memories with my children that will last a lifetime. I want to leave my children with memories that make a good and lasting impressions of footprints in their lives. I want my children to have childhood memories that effect how they bond with their children in the future.
             I know as a mother and parent I have made some mistakes with my daughter that I can't take back! I pray everyday that I can replace those bad memories to where she will forget them because of all the new memories.

Who I am

     I am a Daughter,Sister,Mother, Aunt and a Godmother! I am a student in college! I am a student of life, we all are students of life!  I am a Christian who has strong beliefs and morals! I am a dependable, honest,and loyal friend, daughter,mother, sister! I am loving,tender hearted, and kind. I take all my relationships seriously! 
        I am individual who stands out because I follow my heart,soul,spirit, mind and dreams! I believe in myself and my dreams even if other people don't believe I can achieve my dreams! I believe in myself even when other people don't believe in me! I set my goals and dreams high so I may achieve them in time! I am a big dreamer and a big achiever. I love to dream big! 
         I love to see other people be successful in everything they do. I love helping people to be successful. I love helping other people make their dreams come true. I love to see people's dreams come true! 
          I love to see our society become more loving,kind,and generous to each other's needs! I love other people with my big heart! I want to see our society love each (Love Thy Brother and Neighbor as Thy self) and stop being so racist towards one another regardless of each other's skin color,education, religious beliefs,and clutral background!