Saturday, July 17, 2021

My Health and Fitness Journey

        I have been working really hard on making healthier chocies when it comes to my eating habits.  already have limited my soda and sugar intake. I have completely cut out all sodas in my diet. I am completely changing my lifestyle around including my eatting habits. I completely cut out all sugar no sweets or sugar addeed to any of my foods when I prepare them or when my hubby cooks. I have already cut out all added salts and salty snacks like chips. When I use seassonings I chose to use Mrs. Dash Salt Free Seasongs when I go to the grocery store I will pick up all kinds of seasonings that are salt free. I only use Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt. According to articles and research I have found that Pink Himalayan Salt has 84 essential trace elements required by our body. The Pink color in Pink Himalayan salt is defintely nore naturtal then sea salt just another reason why I am considering changing the type of salt I am currently using. Most of the health specialist actually rank Pink Himalayan Salt higher than other salts. Did you know salt helps our body reglulate blood preasure, assist in nerve function, and helps your cells perform their function to keep organs healthy. Both Sea Salt and Himalayan Salt are a healhier option since they both are excellent sources of sodium chloride which is vital to our health.
         I also started making home made smoothies with fruits and veggetables. I will take a little water put it in my blend jet then add my fruit blend and veggies of all kinds. I even started eating salads and when I want a really good pasta salad I replace the normal pasta with veggie pasta. I also have been drinking more water on a daily basis. I even quit smoking which is really hard to do. I have been eatring cooked hard boiled eggs in the morning with avacado for breakfast I only season it with Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt and Pepper, Lemon Jucice freshly squeezed from a Lemon and/Or Lime Juice Fresly squeezed from a lime. I also have fresh brococoli, carrots, tommotoes, Bell Peppers, Mashrooms and other veggies and fruits like Watermelon, catalope, peachs, strawberrys, grapes. apples I will have make a mixture of a fruit and veggie tray for snacks. I also make mixture of fruit and veggie smoothie I will add more fruit then veggies if I am really craving something sweet this helps keep me from wanting something sweet like ice cream, cookies or cakes I shoulnt eat. I defintley dont eat any cereal because it has way too much sugar. Its concious choice I make everyday everyday to eat healthier and choice the healhiest option. I am chosing to eat healhier for my own health and fitness goals.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Begining of My Quit Smoking Journey

         I officially have quit smoking and I have been smoke free for a whole week. I was ready to quit smoking and I was and I am determined to quit smoking for good and be successful. The first step I had to do was be ready, determined and committed to quit smoking and thats the very first step if you or any body else wants to quit smoking cigerattes.  Second step is I went ahead and bought myself some gum so when I have that craving that does come fast and hard at me I can pop a peice to a few pieces in my mouth to chew on to help me fight through my cravings. I also came to relize and found out during the frist few days wasd my toughest days due to the fact after you had your last cigeratte your body will go through detox process just like I did. I had to take the whole weekend I just layed in bed let myself go hrough the detox process. During your first week of being smoke free you will find yourself at the times you are cracing a cigeratte that you will have the urge to snack or eat more then you would normally when you were smoking thats because your body and mind the conections what I like to call the connectors or sensors are all messed up that gives the singal that we are hungry are messed up have to be reprogrammed essenttially so you may find youself once you start to go through the detox process and your first few days to the first week eating more then normal. 

        I started going to the gym about a month ago to start geting fit and healthy now I am working on qutiting smoking my nasty habit of cigerattes. I also started to drink more water and keep track of my water intake and watch what I am earting. I started to make and create fresh smoothies from fruits and veggies mixed togather, I also use the feresh fruits and veggies to snack on during the time I get and have those nasty cracings to want to smoke a cigeratte. I also made a smoothie at the times of the cravings to help keep me from smoking a cigarette and or at those times when I crave something sweet instead of eating ice cream or cookies or cake I would make a smoothie and drink it and helped me get thorugh those tough sweet cravings. I am also taking a product called control from Everra to help me with those nasty cravings. Control all you do is add it to your water of 12-16 ounces shake or stir and drink it when you feel snackie you can even add it to your smothies if you want like I do.

        I also have been working at the gym but I also have been doing some of my own workouts at home to help with the cigeratte cravings. You can do some Squats, Butt Bridges, Pointed Butt Lifts, Fire Hydrant, and Heal Kicks. I also do a little Yoga I started back doing some yoga and pilates as well.  I went to my local walmart and purposely bought myself some fitness yoga matts with yoga gloves and yoga socks and a yoga block. I also purcahsed a yoga bag on amazon I found that has the best strapes that are comfy on my shoulders. I also recently purcahsed myself a new gym bag for my gym days. I definitly only recommend going to the gym for a few days out of the week in between take a rest day. I am know for me I went to the gym yesterday and today I just wanted to get back in the gym. So if you do find yourself that you want to stay in the gym you may jsut found your calling to help others want to losse wight and get healthy just liked I found my calling the same calling I had burried so long ago kept brushing aside and putting it off. Now I finally am going afrter my passion, my calling and dream I will achiecve my dream . I will be successful smoke free momma I know if I can do so can anybody else.

        I rather be addicted to excerise geting fit and healhtier watching what I eat then to be a smoker jsut think about. Your lungs and organs will start to heal go back to normaly little by little. Yes there is some health risks after being a smoker for so long you have some unreversal demage to your body and organs. The good news is as you quit smoking each passing day your body is repairing itself little by little. You will may experiance some coughing and sneezing shortly after your last cigeratte you have decided to quit smoking. The coughing is noamal your bodys blood preause will go back to normal and your breathing and heart rate will start to go back to normal. You can also try to do some coloring get yourself some coloring pencils and coloring books I love using color pencils instead of cryaons. I alos find stress releilving I know thats why I started smoking in the first place to help me relieve stress and my anxiety now you will have to be just like me when you quit smoking to find a way to relieve the stress you feel and your anxity. I also recommend highly recommedn listing to some postive music of your chose and make sure you have some chewing gum on hand I can not recommend enough how important it is to have some chewing gum becuase if you experiance a long ride or commute to work or going somewhere you go everyday chewing on that gum will help you to remain smoke free on those long car rides and listening to some postive music to keep you mind positve on the right track I love listening to my postive christian music.

        Did you know how your biody repairs itself after quiting smoking?

                            Detoxing Stage

1) 20 minutes Heart Rate returns back to regualar levels.

2) 2 Hours Cravings Begin and Blood Pressure Drops to Normal Levels.

3) 12 Hours Blood Oxygen Returns back to Normal Levels and Carborn Monoxide Lowers in the body.

4) 24 Hours The Risk of a Heat Attack decreases.

5) 48 Hours Sense of smell and taste return.

6) 3 Days Excessive Nicotine is out of the body withdraw symptoms at their peak.  

7) 2-3 Weeks Improved Lung function and Physical abilities.

8) 1- 9 Months Cilia Fibers begin to repair themselves improving breathing.

9) 1 Year 50% Lower Chance of Heart Disease.

10) Risk of Diabeties returns to normal for women. The risk of Stroke Returns to normal for women and men.

11) 10 Years The chances of Lung Cancer Cut in Half 1/2.

12) The Risk of Heart disease is that of a non smoker like you have never smoked before.

        I know I have noticed now that I quit smoking I can stand for a longer period of time for example I can stand for a long period of time while I am washing dishes. Before when I had a whole pile of dishes to do I couldnt stand there more then maybe 20 minutes or less doing the dishes before I needed a break for a cigeratte, I also noticed my clothes and hair are just now starting to smell normal instead of like cigeratte smoke. I have noticed I can do different daily acitivities and tasks that needs to be done for long periods of time before needing a break. My hope and pray that as I share my fitness Journey and my smoke free journey with you that it helps your or someone you know to improve not only your life but your quality of life. 

The Beginning of My Personal Trainer Journey

             I am so happy I have decided that college isnt for me anymore I was not determined, motivated and I just didnt have the passion to attended college anymore. I guess I just thought or had in my mind that I was suppose to go to college in order to get my degree in order to have a better job and career. I guess in my mind I thought in order to finally have peoples respect in my family I had to get my degree from attending collge and be somebody. I have realized that not eveyone is cut out for college not everyone has to go to college in order to be successful. I dont havce go to college and finish to obtain my degree in order to be somebody and be successful. I had buried my passion for fitness dancing, yoga, Pilates and my passion to help others who struggle just like me that I had lost myself. I had to find myself again  I am so glad I found myself again and my true passion. 

        I am now taking online courses for Virtual Coching, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Zumba Instructor and CPR Training all through NASM and AFAA  and includes recerfifcations for life.Since after I finsih each course at my own pace I can complete all my course work at my own pace without any specific due dates for each assignemnt or quiz. I also can take my Ceritifcation test or exam online with a propertor watching me to ensure my final cerification exsm is legit and I am not cheating. I am really excited because I have the passion for helping people I want to help people like me who struggle with their weight and eating habits. I want to help the single parents and stay at home parents to get helahty and stay healthy in the process lose some weight in their comfront zone, at home in a gym or outside at a park through virtual training sessions. I want to help people and their whole familys get haelthy, fit and stay healthy and fit including learning how to make or create meals together or just for parents to help them create healthier meals the whole family loves. I can share my own life experiances recipes that I have tried that works for my whole family. I just want to help people genuniely to love healthier happier lives includning their famly. 

        I just had to remember I can be myself and I had to find myself slowly over time agian. I know who I am now. I had to learn how to love myself agian and embrace myself and including my body. I can still love my body nobody my size all while trying to improve myself . I can still love myself and my body all while I am trying to do all the right things to lose weight, get fit, and healthy to better myself so I can be the best version of me for my family. I want to help other parents and familys do the same.